Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Implementation of Competition

International competition for preliminary urban and architectural solution TC Klekovača was announced 10 February 2014 and published in cooperation with the European architecture of Commerce in Brussels. Competition organizer  is a company GB Immo d.o.o. from Banja Luka.

The aim of the competition was to develop urban-architectural and landscape design solutions of narrower zone TC Klekovača on the plateau Kozila.

The jury consisted of famous names from the world of architecture and representatives of investors:

  • Prof. Vasa J. Perovic, DI, professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana, president of the jury;
  • University Professor Vladimir Nikolic, architect, professor at the University of Aachen, a member of the jury;
  • University professor Christoph Luhsinger, architect, professor at the TU Vienna, member of the jury;
  • Prof. Dr Borislav Petrovic, DI, professor at the Faculty of Architecture, member of the jury;
  • Kirsten Šomakers, architect, member of the jury;
  • Danka Pavlovic, DI, a representative of the investor, a member of the jury;
  • Otmar Smit, a representative of the investor, a member of the jury;
  • Prof. dr Danijela Milovanovic - Rodic, DI, rapporteur of the competition;
  • Doc. dr Milos Gasic, DI, rapporteur of the competition.

To the competition is invited five prominent European architectural bureaus: Estudio Herreros of Madrida, MVRDV from Rotterdam, Lacaton & Vassal from Paris, Arge & Baumschlager Hutter Partners & Amann Architects in Vienna and Sauerbruch Hutton from Berlin. In addition to these, the documentation for participation in the competition has taken even 324 architectural teams from 56 countries, and the competition closed on 10 March 2014.


The key design challenges, that this competition has placed in front of the participants are:

  1. Creation of a recognizable identity,
  2. Integration into the natural environment,
  3. Formative quality of the landscape, open spaces and architecture,
  4. Minimization of negative impacts on the environment and a high level of energy efficiency,
  5. Phased development

The desire was to get innovative and creative concept development of tourist complex, which identity is based on:

  • Respect the key values of the context, first of all, unspoiled nature and landscapes of exceptional environmental values,
  • innovative and advanced models of organization and functioning of the tourist village, and formal qualities of architecture, public open spaces and landscapes.

Within the competition program is planned plateau for the reception of skiers at the end of the ski slopes. The planned area of the plateau by previous studies is approximately 8 hectares. In addition to mentioned plateau should be provided and ancillary facilities with all technical and service amenities necessary for the effective functioning of the ski slopes during ski season, as well as commercial facilities and catering facilities, related to the off-season offer. Total area of facilities on the ski plateau is about 10,000 m². Near the ski plateau, it was necessary to predict the underground garage.

As for accommodation facilities are concerned, their typology is based on the following allocation:

  • hotels and hostels of different categories and sections,
  • detached houses,
  • apartment buildings,
  • residential complex for employees,
  • hotel accommodation in air spa,
  • hotel accommodation at the golf course.

In addition to this, it is necessary to predict and a variety of amenities and activities, necessary for the functioning of the tourist center of high-class, such as shopping and catering facilities, sports facilities, public service facilities, etc.

Also, it is expected to create solutions that use resources rationally and seek to minimize the negative effects as the environment in the whole process of construction and operation of the complex.

By special part of the competition solutions, it was necessary to include the solution of traffic, due to the fact that it is provided that vehicular traffic takes place at the edges of the complex and that motor vehicles, apart from delivery, will not be able to enter inside the complex.


For the purpose of better presentation of the competition, at the beginning of April 2014, was organized an expert colloquium and visit the location concerned. At the colloquium, which took place on April 4 at the University PIM in Banja Luka, representatives of the investors and members of the jury in detail informed the participants about the objectives of the competition.

All-day visit to the site Kozila was organized the next day, April 5. Participants also had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the subject site and from jury members, get answers to questions regarding the competition. The event was attended by 92 architects from around the world. The deadline for submission was 30 July 2014, and were received the 28 solutions.