Friday, 07 February 2025

The history of the project

10 November 2010 the investors, with the Government of the Republic of Srpska concluded "The Framework Agreement for the development and construction of first-class sports and recreational ski complexes in the mountain Klekovača" which is simultaneously the official start of the date of the project.

During these activities two Companies are formed GB IMMO d.o.o. Banja Luka, registered 29 September 2008 and LOM d.o.o. Petrovac, registered 30 June 2009 which are stakeholders on the implementation of the project.

Support of the Government of the Republic of Srpska is reflected in the creation of appropriate conditions prior to the implementation of the project, such as:

  • appropriate access to the highway Banja-Luka-Split,
  • access to an adequate supply of high voltage electricity,
  • concessions for certain content,
  • granting the status of air spa,
  • necessary harmonization of planning documents and issuance of appropriate permits and licenses.



Workings on the implementation of the Agreement investors have realized a number of activities, among which are:

  • It was prepared Feasibility Study TC Klekovača where in detail are discussed questions provided by the Law on Concessions, and in particular the scope and limits of center according to which location includes 455.55 ha urban area and 2,178.67 ha ski area and other recreational and health facilities. The total urban area 72.21 ha makes green zone - Forest Park. It is organized the purchase of land from private owners for the purpose of building a future tourist resort in the Kozila area; Environmental Impact Study of construction TC Klekovača confirmed that the project has no pronounced negative impact on the environment. According to the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Srpska, territory intended for TC Klekovača is treated as a special purpose area for tourism, spa, climate and sports and recreational activities;
  • Based on two studies on its own initiative and offer of investors, the Government of the Republic of Srpska adopted a decision on determining the public interest for the concession for the use of land in the mountains Klekovača for the construction of TC Klekovača;
  • On the basis of public calls the Government of the Republic of Srpska adopted a decision on granting a concession for the use of land in the mountains Klekovača for the construction of tourist center Klekovača to the company GB IMMO d.o.o. Banja Luka, and the Ministry of Trade and Tourism with the investor concluded Concession Agreement;
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Srpska gave a positive opinion on the Study for the designation of protected forests and forests of special purpose of tourist center Klekovača based on which the decision on the proclamation of forests of special purpose TC Klekovača is made;
  • The concession agreement for the exploration of drinking water in Klekovača is completed and is organized the exploration drilling that have yielded positive results. These studies are discussed in the Study of the Classification, categorization and calculation of reserves of water reservoir Klekovača at Drinić with the condition on 31 December 2012, based on which the decision on certification of reserves of underground water at reservoir Klekovača is made. These documents are the basis for providing concessions for the use of drinking water for future TC Klekovača;
  • Preliminary design of ski trails and ski resorts and expertise of capacities for the purpose of a master plan TC Klekovača;
  • The organization and scheduling of the International competition for preliminary urban and architectural solution TC Klekovača in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Construction of the two automatic weather stations at sites Kozila and Smrceva poljana for the monitoring and collecting data for the study on the quality and therapeutic value of air as a natural healing factor to proclaim the area an air spa.